I thought that my life was busy before. I really did. GENUINELY. It was not, however. THIS,THIIISS is busy. Two kids, teaching FULL time in a NEW grade level (4th grade for those that aren't in the loop), darren getting his masters, YW leader, etc. Yeppers, that will do it. (I have lost a lot of the baby weight though, because I don't eat (or pee) ever) One day, I almost peed my pants and realized it had been almost 13 hours since I had gone pee. Whoops. HAHAHAHHAH. (you are asking yourself--why doesn't she go pee????---well at EVERY break that I have I am nursing or pumping or driving to get to the kids and then when I arrive, I am needed....and before I know it, it has been 13 hours--so don't judge me. wink!)
Truth be told. I am kinda hating it. I usually like being crazy busy, but not like this. NOT THIS MUCH. I Laahuv being a Mom, and I love teaching, but trying to do both is really hard. I am not as good of a teacher as I was pre-babies. It just is true. I suck at keeping up with the housework, I am seriously going to drive myself insane with the DRRREAAAMMSS of decorating and improving our house the way I want- because who the HECK has time to spray paint, and stain, and sand, and wallpaper and tile when they are trying to wipe buts and grade papers and facebook young women that need a good leader, and all the while try TRY TRY TRY to sneak in some OFFICE re-runs. I got a new novel to read and then giggled when I thought about how long it will be before I can actually read it. HAHAHAHHA. Laughing at the thought even still. Ohh- and did I mention that Darren was called to be ward exec. sec. (a BIIIIG job in our church). SO I am a single mom three days a week. A single mom with an 85 year old woman's diseased body. Tee hee hee. Not really-I am not all wrinkly...well...
I have a stack of tile that has been sitting in our entry way for a few months now. Yes, Months--you read that correctly. I keep telling Darren that I am just going to watch a YouTube video on DIY tiling and do it myself. HA. yeah right. In my dreams (literally-refernce the above statement about going crazy---cause I really do dream about this stuff).
However-I am counting DAILY my blessings and so grateful to be teaching, and full time none-the-less because whilst D is in school, Mama gotsta bring home the bacon. Once again--- I kinda hate being the sugar mama. It could be SO much worse. I know.
On the very truly bright side, 2010 seems to be faring a lot better than 2009. I cannot believe how fast time is going. Tennyson is giant. HE is still amazing. Although a week straight of illness is really making me miss last week version of the little man. I love my boys. It is crazy the amount of love one person can have inside of them and not physically show symptoms of. I mean, really. It is so neat being a parent. He weighs about 15 lbs and is in the average percentile for everything. He is eating solids now, and coos and talks and holds his head up really well.
We have had a rough go with health these days. I pretty much would do AnYTHING for the woman or man who cured RA. I would really. I hate this disease. I also hate puking. Both of which have been a problem in our house this week. Darn.
OK. I should sleep now. Ooo. Or maybe watch the office. The season premier is on tonight, and maybe I will get to watch some of it?? bwwwaahahhhhaaaaa --yeah right. Oh-and just as a side note. I miss my friends. ALLL of them. I do not get to see any of them. EVER. I miss you. I miss hanging out with you. I look forward to the day that we can see each other again.
That is all for now. Thanks for the blogerapy. Ta ta for--what could be a while---I will leave you with these to enjoy. Most are old...they both look a bit older---as that happens with children who are growing up so fast!
Tennyson is so cute! I hope I get to see him this weekend at my baby shower.:)
sorry to hear life is soooo crazy! i miss the olden days with life consisted of sunday nights watching grey's with you guys :( good luck!
So sorry Tish, I can only imagine how you are doing it all. I went back to school this semester and with three kids and Braeden in kindergarten it is crazy, but I doubt I am as busy as you. Your kids are adorable and we miss seeing you guys.
I remember those days (although they're getting hazy), and I wish I could be there to babysit, play, hang out, and do whatever. But on the plus side, somehow we all get through it, right? It's just so hard to see the tiny light at the end of the tunnel when you're knee deep in diapers and barf :) Sometimes I wonder what's worse, the physical pain of exhaustion with little ones or the emotional anguish of older kids/teens . . . responsibility + parenthood=more respect for our own parents, haha!
YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I think about you everytime I feel so overwhelmed and busy. Your boys are adorable! We miss you guys but I guess even if we were in NC we wouldnt see you. I keep checking your blog hoping for a new post and I was so excited tonight when there were cute new pictures!
YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I think about you everytime I feel so overwhelmed and busy. Your boys are adorable! We miss you guys but I guess even if we were in NC we wouldnt see you. I keep checking your blog hoping for a new post and I was so excited tonight when there were cute new pictures!
I miss you! I found out from Jean at work that you are working full time again. I felt silly. Your boys are sooooo cute, they are so big. Love you
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